Week 1:8 (Sept. 30–Oct. 4)

Freshmen: MLA Template, Subordinating Conjunctions, Colormarking Guide, Literary Analysis Thesis Frame, Analytical Verbs, Wheel of Feels (Tone), Analytical Verbs, Weaving & Citing, Transitions & Commentary, FAST Rubrics / Korematsu: Black & Murphy Task, SPACE-CAT & Rhetorical Terms, TEDed VideoUS Gov’t Video, Takei’s They Called Us Enemy Extracts / Short Stories: “Harrison Bergeron”“Once Upon a Time”, “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings”, “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas”, Comparative Analysis Task, Outline for CAT Pt. 2 / Persepolis: Info Card, E-textGraphic Novel Features & Terminology, Theme Log, Notes, Journal

Seniors: Poetry Packet, Journal Expectations, Evaluative LanguageGeneral Literary Terms, Poetry Terms, Colormarking Guide, Journal Rubric / Fences: E-text, Journal Questions, Colormarking, Co-op Oral Rubric / Watchmen: G.I. Bookmark, Colormarking #1–4Full E-text, notes on Postmodern Literature & the Graphic Novel, The Doomsday Clock, McCloud’s Understanding Comics

Diploma Support: PSAT/SAT Room Lists, Rotation Calendar, Citing AI (MLA), IB Honor Code, Say Something, Eduaide.ai, Semester Grade Chart, CAS Handbook / Research: EBSCO HostGale Databases, Google Scholar, JSTOR, Sci-Hub / EEs: Full EE Guide, MLA TemplateMLA Sample PaperCat. 1 (28/34)Cat. 1 (30/34)Cat. 2 (34/34), Cat. 3 (33/34), EE Rubric, English EE Scoring, Prescribed Reading List