Freshmen: the RCP, MLA Template, Blank Outline, Wheel of Feels, Omni-frames & Analytical Verbs, Transitions & Commentary / Argument: Topic Generator, Thesis Builder, Types of Evidence, Blank Outline / Things Fall Apart: E-text, Theme Log, Informal Research Task, Audiotext, Literary Elements & Thematic Motifs, Journal #5a & #5b, “On Tragedy” Hardcopy, Ch. 11 Co-op Analysis Prompts
Seniors: Literary Terms, Omni-frames & Analytical Verbs, Evaluative Language, MLA Template, HL Essay Rubric / IA: Rubric, Peer Feedback Form, Structures & Procedures, IA Outline (PDF), IA Outline (Word), IA Outline (Google Docs), Fences, Watchmen, Szymborska’s Poetry, Literary Terms, Poetry Terms, Oral Schedule
Diploma Support: Rotation Calendar, Citing AI (in MLA), Say Something,, CAS Handbook / Research: Gale Databases, Google Scholar, JSTOR, Sci-Hub / EEs: Full EE Guide, MLA Template, MLA Sample Paper, Cat. 1 (28/34), Cat. 1 (30/34), Cat. 2 (34/34), Cat. 3 (33/34), EE Rubric, English EE Scoring, Prescribed Reading List, World Studies EEs