Freshmen: The R.C.P., MLA Template, Blank Outline, Literary Terms, Wheel of Feels, Weaving & Citing, Analytical Verbs / Rhetorical Analysis: SPACE-CAT, Rhetorical Terms, Outline, Body Guidelines / Argument: Topic Generator, Thesis Builder, Types of Evidence / Things Fall Apart: E-text, Theme Log, Audiotext, Motifs & Elements, Journal #1, Journal #2, Annotation Task, Journal #3
Seniors: Syllabus, Q3 Poetry Packet, Discussion Question Stems, MLA Template, Rubrics, Lit Terms, Poetry Terms, Journal (HL Essay) Rubric, Exemplar Journal, Analytical Verbs / Paper 1: P1 Overview, P1 Rubric / Paper 2: Overview, P2 Rubric / Beloved: E-text, Biblical Allusions / Fairy Tale Lit Crit: Literary Theory and Schools of Criticism, Fairy Tales
Diploma Support: Rotation Calendar, 5th Period Rotations, Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, Eduaide.Ai / Research Databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, Google Scholar, JSTOR, Sci-Hub / Extended Essays: Full EE Guide, MLA Template, MLA Sample Paper, Cat. 1 (28/34), Cat. 1 (30/34), Cat. 2 (34/34), Cat. 3 (33/34), EE Rubric, English EE Scoring, IB Prescribed Reading List, World Studies EEs (Overview , Examples)