Week 1:6 (Sept. 12–16)


AP Language: MLA Template, Tone Handout, Discussion Question Stems, Journal Setup & Rhetorical Terms, Audience Breakdown, Citation & Weaving Examples / Rhetorical Analysis: RA RubricRA Outline, Space-Cat Chart, RA Peer Review, Barbara Bush passage, Lewes passage, MLK passage / Argument: Types of Evidence

IB Freshmen: Colormarking Guide, “Wheel of Feels”Subordinate Conjunctions, Figurative Language, Stated & Implied Theme, MLA Template, Weaving & Citing Quotations / Short Stories: “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” e-text“A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” Assignment, Narrative Assignment/Task, “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” e-textComparative Analysis Task

IB Diploma Support: 5th Period DS Rotations, Semester 1 Rotation Calendar, Diploma Support Contract, IB Academic GuidelinesIB Honor CodeSay Something Anonymous Reporting System / Extended Essays: EBSCO HostGale Databases, MLA Template, MLA Sample Paper, Cat. 1 28/34, Cat. 1 30/34, Cat. 2 34/34, Cat. 3 33/34

Week 1:5 (Sept. 6–9)


AP Language: MLA Template (click ‘File’, then ‘Make a Copy’), Tone Handout, Discussion Question Stems, Journal Setup & Rhetorical Terms, Audience Breakdown, Citation & Weaving Examples / Rhetorical Analysis: Lamb passage, Kincaid passage, American game designer passageRA RubricRA Outline, Space-Cat Chart, RA Peer Review, Barbara Bush passage, Lewes passage / Argument: Types of Evidence

IB Freshmen: Colormarking Guide,“Wheel of Feels” (Tone Handout)Usage Notes, Subordinate Conjunctions, Figurative Language, Stated & Implied Theme, Transitions Toolbox, MLA Template (click ‘File’, then ‘Make a Copy’), Citation & Weaving Examples / Short Stories:“Harrison Bergeron” e-text“Once Upon a Time” e-text“A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” e-text“A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” Assignment, Narrative Task

IB Diploma Support: 5th Period DS Rotations, Semester 1 Rotation Calendar, Diploma Support Contract, IB Academic GuidelinesIB Honor CodeSay Something Anonymous Reporting System / Extended Essays: EBSCO HostGale Databases, MLA Template, MLA Sample Paper, Cat. 1 28/34, Cat. 1 30/34, Cat. 2 34/34, Cat. 3 33/34

Week 1:4 (Aug. 29–Sept. 2)


AP Language: MLA Template (click ‘File’, then ‘Make a Copy’), Tone Handout, Discussion Question Stems, Journal Setup & Rhetorical Terms, Audience Breakdown, Citation & Weaving Examples / Rhetorical Analysis: Lamb passage / prompt, Kincaid passage / prompt, SPACES Guide, RA RubricRA Outline, Space-Cat Chart / Argument: Types of Evidence, Generating Evidence (Perfection) / PADLET

IB Freshmen: Colormarking Guide, Tone HandoutUsage Notes, Subordinate Conjunctions, Figurative Language,  Stated & Implied Theme, Transitions Toolbox, MLA Template (click ‘File’, then ‘Make a Copy’), Citation & Weaving Examples / Short Stories: “Harrison Bergeron” e-textVonnegut background, “Once Upon a Time” e-textGordimer backgroundShort Stories Journal #1, “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” e-text“A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” Assignment

IB Diploma Support: 5th Period DS Rotations, Semester 1 Rotation Calendar, Diploma Support Contract, IB Academic GuidelinesIB Honor CodeAdvising Meeting DatesSay Something Anonymous Reporting SystemEBSCO HostGale Databases, MLA Template, MLA Sample Paper

Week 1:3 (Aug. 22–26)


AP Language: Course Syllabus, Tone Handout, Discussion Question Stems, Journal Setup & Rhetorical Terms, Types of Evidence / Rhetorical Analysis: Lamb passage / prompt, Kincaid passage / prompt, SPACES Guide, RA RubricRA Outline, Space-Cat Chart / Argument: Types of Evidence, Generating Evidence (Perfection)

IB Freshmen: Course Syllabus, Four Questions, “Little Red-Cap”, Colormarking Guide, Discussion Question Stems, Usage Notes, Subordinate ConjunctionsShort Stories: Journal Setup & Lit Terms“Harrison Bergeron” e-textVonnegut Background, “Once Upon a Time” e-textGordimer BackgroundShort Stories Journal #1Stated & Implied Theme, Transitions Toolbox

IB Diploma Support: 5th Period DS Rotations, Semester 1 Rotation Calendar, Diploma Support Contract, IB Academic GuidelinesIB Honor CodeAdvising Meeting DatesSay Something Anonymous Reporting SystemEBSCO HostGale Databases, MLA Template, MLA Sample Paper

Week 1:2 (Aug. 15–19)


AP Language: Course Syllabus, Tone Handout, Discussion Question Stems, Journal Setup & Rhetorical Terms / Rhetorical Analysis: Lamb passage / prompt, Kincaid passage / prompt, SPACES Guide, RA RubricRA Outline / Padlets: 1st period, 2nd period

IB Freshmen: Course Syllabus, Four Questions, “Little Red-Cap”, Colormarking Guide, Discussion Question Stems, Usage Notes, Subordinate Conjunctions, Transitions Toolbox, PDF Scanning Directions / Short Stories: Journal Setup & Lit Terms“Harrison Bergeron” e-textVonnegut Background, “Once Upon a Time” e-textGordimer BackgroundShort Stories Journal #1Stated & Implied Theme

IB Diploma Support: 5th Period DS Rotations, Semester 1 Rotation Calendar, Diploma Support Contract, IB Academic GuidelinesIB Honor CodeAdvising Meeting DatesSay Something Anonymous Reporting SystemEBSCO HostGale Databases

Week 1:1 (Aug. 10–12)


Welcome to a new school year! I’ve posted my classes’ agendas, and you can expect this on a weekly basis (usually done on Thursday afternoon for the week which follows). Please refer to the key below to make clearest sense of the agenda:

  • Blue letters/symbols on the indicate a handout or notes being given in class.
  • Green symbols indicate classroom activities (e.g., groupwork, lectures, lessons).
  • Red letters/symbols indicate an assignment due date or assessment.

You can also click on the schedule for a larger zoom-able image of the board. Below, you’ll find digital versions of important handouts as well as other useful links:

AP Language: Course Syllabus, Tone Handout, Diagnostic RARhetorical Triangle & SPACES Guide, Kincaid Passage, Laptop Permission Form, Turnitin.com

IB Freshmen: Course Syllabus, Four Questions, “Little Red-Cap”, Colormarking Guide, Laptop Permission Form

IB Diploma Support: 5th Period DS Rotations, Semester 1 Rotation Calendar, Diploma Support Contract, IB Academic GuidelinesIB Honor CodeAdvising Meeting DatesSay Something Anonymous Reporting SystemEBSCO HostGale Databases

Week 4:9 (May 16–20)


Freshmen: Spring Exam Study Guide, Whole-Work Literary Analysis Thesis Frame, Colormarking Guide, One-Page Outline, LA Essay Rubric, Tone WordsInteractive E-text of Macbeth, Audioplay of Macbeth, Plain E-text of Macbeth

Sophomores: Poetry Close ReadingTone Packet, Presentation Rubric, Writing Handbook, Tone Words, Thesis Frame for Literary AnalysisColormarking Guide

Diploma Support: Semester Grade Chart, MLA Sample Paper, APA Sample Paper, DS Contract, IB Academic Guidelines, IB Honor CodeSay Something, EBSCO HostGale Databases

Week 4:8 (May 9–13)


Freshmen: TC Thesis Frame (for Macbeth), Colormarking Guide, One-Page Outline, LA Essay Rubric, Tone WordsInteractive E-text of Macbeth, Audioplay of Macbeth, Plain E-text of Macbeth; Performance Responsibilities: A1–2, A3–4, B3–4

Sophomores: Poetry Close Reading (for 5/11), Review Videos, Essay Set, Tone Packet, Presentation Rubric, Writing Handbook, Tone Words, Thesis Frame for Analysis EssayColormarking Guide; Rhetorical Analysis: Space-Cat ChartRA RubricSynthesis: Synthesis Rubric; Argument: Argument Rubric

Diploma Support: Diploma Support Contract, Rotation Calendar, IB Academic Guidelines, IB Honor Code, Advising Meeting Dates, Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, EBSCO HostGale Databases

Week 4:7 (May 2–6)


Freshmen: TC Thesis Frame (for Macbeth), Colormarking Guide, One-Page Outline, LA Essay Rubric, Tone WordsInteractive E-text of Macbeth, Audioplay of Macbeth, Plain E-text of Macbeth; Performance Responsibilities: A1–2, A3–4, B1–2, B3–4

Sophomores: MLA TemplateTone Packet, Presentation Rubric, Writing Handbook, Tone WordsThesis FramesColormarking Guide; Rhetorical Analysis: Space-Cat ChartRA RubricRA OutlineSynthesis: Synthesis Rubric; Argument: Argument Rubric, Topic Generator, Thesis Padlet

Diploma Support: Diploma Support Contract, Rotation Calendar, IB Academic Guidelines, IB Honor Code, Advising Meeting Dates, Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, EBSCO HostGale Databases

Week 4:6 (Apr. 25–29)


Freshmen: TC Thesis Frame, Colormarking Guide, One-Page Outline, LA Essay Rubric, Tone WordsInteractive E-text of Macbeth, Audioplay of Macbeth, Plain E-text of Macbeth, “The Masque of the Red Death” Close ReadingTheme-Tracing Task; Performance Responsibilities: A1–2, A3–4, B1–2, B3–4

Sophomores: MLA TemplateTone Packet, Presentation Rubric, Writing Handbook, Tone WordsThesis FramesColormarking Guide; Rhetorical Analysis: Space-Cat ChartRA RubricRA OutlineSynthesis: Synthesis Rubric; Argument: Argument Rubric

Diploma Support: Diploma Support Contract, Rotation Calendar, IB Academic Guidelines, IB Honor Code, Advising Meeting Dates, Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, EBSCO HostGale Databases