Week 2:1 (Oct. 10-14)



AP LITERATURE: Quarter Two Reading ScheduleHamlet Notes, ‘Reading Shakespeare’ Packet, Act I VocabHamlet E-textSecond Quarter Poetry Response Packet, MLA TemplateMythology Review ListHamlet Essay Prompts

Hamlet Audioplay: Act I (≈:50), Act II (≈:37), Act III (≈:58), Acts IV-V (≈1:23)

AP SEMINAR: MLA TemplatePurdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA)Mock Performance Task #1AP Capstone Digital PortfolioPT1 Rubrics, Sample IRRAnnotated Bibliography Template (DOC)

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale DatabasesGoogle Scholarother credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times, The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science Direct, Scientific American

Freshmen Proofreading


journalsIf a writing assignment is completed outside of class (e.g. journals), students are expected to proofread their writing for the assignment in order to eliminate mechanical errors prior to the due date.

When working on writing assignments outside of the classroom, students should always refer to the Proofreading Expectations guide in order to ensure that submitted work meets ninth-grade expectations.  This guide will provide a list of non-negotiable errors that will not be academically tolerated in high school students’ writing.  For each of the non-negotiable errors (which are listed in each grading period’s Proofreading Expectations) that are present in a submitted assignment, 10% of the total possible points for the assignment will be deducted – up to a maximum of 50%. Continue reading

Parts of Speech: Nouns!

Recognize a noun when you see one.  George! Jupiter! Ice cream! Courage! Books! Bottles! Godzilla! All of these words are nouns, words that identify the whos, wheres, and whats in language. Nouns name people, places, and things. Read the sentence that follows:

George and Godzilla walked to Antonio’s to order a large pepperoni pizza.

George is a person. Antonio’s is a place. Pizza is a thing. Godzilla likes to think he’s a person, is as big as a place, but qualifies as another thing.
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