Week 3:8 (Feb. 21-24)


AP LITERATURE: Quarter 3 Reading Schedule, Quarter 3 Poetry PacketMLA TemplateBeloved Notes

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital PortfolioUser Guide for the Digital PortfolioPT1 Guide & RubricsPurdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA)PT2 Doc. 5 (Smith)Team Multimedia Presentation (Checklist, Rubric and Oral Defense Questions), PT2 Guide/Materials & Rubrics

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific American

Week 2:1 (Oct. 10-14)



AP LITERATURE: Quarter Two Reading ScheduleHamlet Notes, ‘Reading Shakespeare’ Packet, Act I VocabHamlet E-textSecond Quarter Poetry Response Packet, MLA TemplateMythology Review ListHamlet Essay Prompts

Hamlet Audioplay: Act I (≈:50), Act II (≈:37), Act III (≈:58), Acts IV-V (≈1:23)

AP SEMINAR: MLA TemplatePurdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA)Mock Performance Task #1AP Capstone Digital PortfolioPT1 Rubrics, Sample IRRAnnotated Bibliography Template (DOC)

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale DatabasesGoogle Scholarother credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times, The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science Direct, Scientific American

Week 4:2 (Mar. 28-Apr. 1)



Seniors: Final Reading ScheduleFinal Poetry PacketMLA TemplateExistentialism Notes

Freshmen: RJ Vocab ListRJ E-Text with Line NumbersRJ AudioplayRJ Theme LogTips for Reading ShakespeareVocab Presentation InstructionsHelp with Quote-Weaving / Journals: Act IAct IIAct IIIAct IV / Performances: Scene Performance Project Info, Scene List/Signup

Week 4:1 (Mar. 15-18)



Seniors, for this week’s Fairy Tail Literary Critique, select one of these fairy tales: “Snowdrop” (Snow White)“Rapunzel”“Rumpelstiltskin”“Ashenputtel” (Cinderella)“Hansel and Grethel”“Briar Rose” (Sleeping Beauty), and then select one of the schools of criticism (e.g. Psychoanalytic, Political, Gender/Sexuality, Deconstructionism) included in this Literary Criticism PDF.  Study the notes and carefully read the story through that lens, using the leading questions as the basis for your analysis.  Here are the old reading schedule and Atonement prompts if you still need them; and here is the final reading schedule.

Freshmen: RJ Vocab ListVocab Presentation InstructionsProofreading ExpectationsLiterature TermsRJ E-Text with Line NumbersRJ AudioplayRJ Theme LogTips for Reading ShakespeareTwo Days, Scene Performance Project Info / Journals: Act I Journal #22-28Act II Journal #1-20Act III Journal

Week 3:2 (Jan. 11-15)



Seniors: Reading SchedulePoetry PacketMLA TemplatePinellas Education Foundation

Freshmen: Course SyllabusProofreading ExpectationsUsage NotesJournal ExpectationsPersonal ParagraphsGawain QuestionsSG NotesSG E-Text, SG DocumentarySG Parts 1-2 JournalLiterature TermsSG Theme LogWriteScore Login

Week 4:2 (Mar. 23-27)



Seniors: Final Reading ScheduleFinal Poetry PacketMLA TemplateExistentialism Notes

Freshmen: RJ Vocab ListRJ E-Text with Line NumbersRJ AudioplayRJ Theme LogTips for Reading ShakespeareVocab Presentation InstructionsHelp with Quote-Weaving / Journals: Act II (in comp book)Act II (in comp book)Act IV (to Turnitin) / Performances: Scene Performance Project Info, Scene List/Signup

Week 4:1 (Mar. 16-20)



Seniors: Atonement PromptsFinal Reading ScheduleFinal Poetry Packet

Freshmen: Scene Performance Project InfoRJ Vocab ListRJ E-Text with Line NumbersRJ AudioplayRJ Theme LogTips for Reading ShakespeareTwo DaysVocab Presentation Instructions / Journals: Turnitin Registration Instructions, Act I Journal #5-28Act II Journal #1-20Act III Journal

Week 3:2 (Jan. 12-16)



Seniors: Previous Reading Schedule (up to Jan 15th), New Reading Schedule (Jan. 15th-)MLA TemplatePoems for Third QuarterHD Handout (for Exploration of Theme)Practice Poetry PromptPinellas Education Foundation Scholarship (by 11:59 PM Thursday)

Freshmen: English 1 Honors SyllabusEnglish 1 (2nd Period) SyllabusPersonal ParagraphsUsage NotesProofreading ExpectationsJournal ExpectationsGawain ArticlesSG Theme Log, SG Notes, SG Journal Parts 1-2Literature TermsWrite Score Login

Week 4:1 (Jan. 21-24)

41edit Homeroom Assignments for Tuesday

Seniors: Reading Schedule for 3:5-4:5, Practice Poetry Prompt for 4:1

Freshmen: Honors SyllabusPersonal ParagraphsShort Story Vocab List, Vocab Presentation Instructions, Proofreading ExpectationsUsage NotesLiterature TermsJournal Expectations, Journal Questions on “Poison”, Romeo and Juliet Prologue