- Blue GETs or ► on the agenda indicate a handout or notes being given in class.
- Green ►s or ★ indicate classroom activities (e.g., groupwork, lectures, lessons).
- Red words like DUE or QUIZ indicate an assignment due date or assessment.
Welcome to a new school year! I’ve posted the week’s agenda for all to see. This is a weekly occurrence, usually done on Thursday afternoon for the week which follows. Please refer to the key above to make clearest sense of the agenda. You can also click on the agenda board for a larger zoom-able image. Below, you’ll find downloadable versions of this week’s in-class handouts along with a few other helpful documents.
AP English Literature & Composition: Summer Packet, Discussion Prep, Course Syllabus, Join the Remind Group, Jane Eyre E-text
AP Seminar, when we meet for class in the library, please bring with you a research topic of your choosing on an index card: What Is Seminar?, Seminar Survey, Lenses Handout, Plagiarism Notes, Join A Day’s Remind Group, Join B Day’s Remind Group, Library Research Methods, Library Resources, Police/Robots Packet, SPHS Photo Task, Citation Machine, World Book Encyclopedia (username: pinellas, password: schools)
Research Databases: Gale Databases (password for at-home use is pinellas), Google Scholar, EBSCOhost (coming in September), JSTOR (coming in October)