Week 3:4 (Jan. 23-27)


AP LITERATURE: Quarter 3 Reading Schedule, Quarter 3 Poetry PacketMLA Template

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital PortfolioPT1 Guide & RubricsPurdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA)Annotated Bibliography Template (DOC), IRR Outline RubricPT2 Doc. 2 (Miller)PT2 Doc. 3 (Camus)

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific American

Week 3:3 (Jan. 17-20)


AP LITERATURE: Quarter 3 Reading Schedule, Quarter 3 Poetry PacketMLA Template

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital PortfolioPT1 Guide & RubricsGroup Norms AssignmentPurdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA)Annotated Bibliography Template (DOC)PT2 Doc. 1 (Nixon Speech), PT2 Doc. 2 (Miller)

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific AmericanVice NewsRoom for Debate

Week 3:2 (Jan. 9-13)


AP LITERATURE: Quarter 3 Reading Schedule, Quarter 3 Poetry PacketLit Notes Review OutlineMLA Template

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital PortfolioPT1 Guide & RubricsGroup Norms AssignmentPurdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA)Annotated Bibliography Instructions (PDF)Annotated Bibliography Template (DOC)

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific AmericanVice NewsRoom for Debate

Week 3:1 (Jan. 3-6)


AP LITERATURE: Quarter 3 Reading Schedule, Quarter 3 Poetry PacketLit Notes Review OutlineMLA TemplateHeart of Darkness NotesHeart of Darkness Handout (for Journaling Inspiration)

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital PortfolioPT1 Guide & RubricsPT1 Team Form, Real-World Problems & Second Semester Grading ChangesImplicit Bias TestJSTOR SignupGroup Norms Assignment

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific AmericanVice NewsRoom for Debate

Week 2:8 (Dec. 5-9)



AP LITERATURE: Reading SchedulePoetry Packet, MLA TemplateWatchmen Turnitin Journal, Symbol Sketches, Watchmen Prompts,  What AP Readers Long to SeeNotes on Heart of Darkness and ModernismPoems for Third QuarterHelp with Multiple ChoiceMidterm Study GuideHeart of Darkness Handout for Over-the-Break Reading1987 Released Exam1999 Released ExamSemester Grade Chart

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital PortfolioStimulus Packet, Semester Grade ChartPT1 Guide & Rubrics, PT1 Team Form

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale DatabasesGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science Direct, Scientific American

Week 2:7 (Nov. 28-Dec. 2)



AP LITERATURE: Reading SchedulePoetry Packet, MLA TemplateWatchmen Turnitin Journal, Symbol Sketches, Watchmen PromptsHow to Determine Your Semester Grades

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital Portfolio, Team Multimedia Presentation GuideStimulus PacketHow to Determine Your Semester Grades

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale DatabasesGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science Direct, Scientific American

Week 2:6 (Nov. 14-18)



AP LITERATURE: Reading SchedulePoetry Response Packet, MLA TemplateWatchmen Turnitin Journal, Symbol Sketches“Ozymandias” Poem

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital Portfolio, Team Multimedia Presentation (Checklist, Rubric and Oral Defense Questions)Solution Analyses QuestionsStimulus Packet

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale DatabasesGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science Direct, Scientific American

Week 2:5 (Nov. 7-11)



AP LITERATURE: Reading SchedulePoetry Response Packet, MLA Template

WATCHMEN: Turnitin Journal, Symbol SketchesNotes on the Graphic Novel and Postmodernism, The Doomsday Clock

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital Portfolio, Team Multimedia Presentation Checklist/Rubric and Oral Defense QuestionsMeme/Symbol Articles

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale DatabasesGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science Direct, Scientific American

Week 2:4 (Oct. 31-Nov. 4)


AP LITERATURE: Reading SchedulePoetry Response Packet, MLA Template“Desolation Row”

WATCHMEN: Turnitin Journal, Symbol SketchesNotes on the Graphic Novel and Postmodernism, E-textThe Doomsday Clock, Understanding Comics (large PDF)

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital Portfolio, Practice Speech AssignmentTeam Multimedia Presentation and Defense Checklist & RubricArt & Culture (Meme/Symbol) Articles

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale DatabasesGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science Direct, Scientific American