Week 3:10 (Mar. 7-11)



Seniors, for this week’s assigned fairy tale, select one of these fairy tales: “Snowdrop” (Snow White)“Rapunzel”“Rumpelstiltskin”“Ashenputtel” (Cinderella)“Hansel and Grethel”“Briar Rose” (Sleeping Beauty), and then select one of the schools of criticism (e.g. Freudian, Marxist) included in this Literary Criticism PDF.  Study the notes and carefully read the story through that lens, using the leading questions as the basis for your analysis.  Here are the old reading schedule and Atonement prompts if you need them.

Freshmen: RJ Vocab ListVocab Presentation InstructionsProofreading ExpectationsWeaving and Citing ExamplesLiterature TermsRJ E-Text with Line NumbersRJ AudioplayRJ Theme LogTips for Reading ShakespeareTwo Days / Journals: Act I Journal #22-28Act II Journal #1-20

Week 3:10 (Mar. 9-13)



Seniors, for Monday’s “Fairy Tale Literary Criticism”, select one of these fairy tales: “Snowdrop” (Snow White)“Rapunzel”“Rumpelstiltskin”“Ashenputtel” (Cinderella)“Hansel and Grethel”“Briar Rose” (Sleeping Beauty), and then select one of the schools of criticism (e.g. Freudian, Marxist) included in this Literary Criticism PDF.  Study the notes and carefully read the story through that lens, using the leading questions as the basis for your analysis.  Write a brief (5-ish paragraphs) essay (in MLA format) in which you analyze the meaning of the narrative; print it for class on Monday. Here are the old reading schedule and Atonement prompts if you need them.  Lastly, here are the new new reading schedule and the poems for the final quarter.

Freshmen: RJ Vocab ListRJ E-Text with Line NumbersRJ AudioplayRJ Theme LogTips for Reading ShakespeareTwo DaysUsage NotesVocab Presentation Instructions / Journals: Turnitin Registration Instructions, Act I Journal #5-28Act II Journal #1-20