Week 4:3 (Apr. 4-8)



Seniors: Reading SchedulePoetry PacketMLA TemplateNotes on Existentialism and AbsurdismWaiting for Godot Prompts,, Literary 3×3 ExamplesMajor Works Data Sheet TemplateE-text of The Sandbox, Waiting for Godot E-text

Freshmen: RJ Vocab ListRJ AudioplayTips for Reading ShakespeareVocab Presentation Instructions, Khan Academy and PSAT Registration / Journals: Act I (#22-28)Act IIAct IIIAct IV Performances: Scene Performance Project Info, Scene List/Signup / Essay: Essay PromptThesis NotesThesis GuidelinesThesis GeneratorWriting About LiteratureRJ E-textTheme LogSample Essay

Week 3:10 (Mar. 7-11)



Seniors, for this week’s assigned fairy tale, select one of these fairy tales: “Snowdrop” (Snow White)“Rapunzel”“Rumpelstiltskin”“Ashenputtel” (Cinderella)“Hansel and Grethel”“Briar Rose” (Sleeping Beauty), and then select one of the schools of criticism (e.g. Freudian, Marxist) included in this Literary Criticism PDF.  Study the notes and carefully read the story through that lens, using the leading questions as the basis for your analysis.  Here are the old reading schedule and Atonement prompts if you need them.

Freshmen: RJ Vocab ListVocab Presentation InstructionsProofreading ExpectationsWeaving and Citing ExamplesLiterature TermsRJ E-Text with Line NumbersRJ AudioplayRJ Theme LogTips for Reading ShakespeareTwo Days / Journals: Act I Journal #22-28Act II Journal #1-20

Week 3:9 (Feb. 29-Mar. 4)



Seniors: Reading SchedulePoetry PacketMLA TemplateLiterary Criticism HandoutsLit Notes (All)Atonement Prompts

rj-listenFreshmen: Vocab Presentation InstructionsProofreading ExpectationsWeaving and Citing ExamplesLiterature TermsRJ Vocab ListRJE-TextRJ AudioplayRJ Theme LogTips for Reading ShakespeareRJ Act I Journal Questions #5-28Act II Journal #1-20Turnitin.com Registration InstructionsLanguage TricksFSA Practice Test

Week 4:3 (Apr. 6-10)



Seniors: Final Reading ScheduleFinal Poetry PacketMLA TemplateNotes on Existentialism and AbsurdismWaiting for Godot PromptsEliminating Wordiness from Your WritingLiterary 3×3 ExamplesMajor Works Data Sheet TemplateE-text of The Sandbox, Waiting for Godot E-text / Fairy Tale Lit-Crit: Literary Criticism Sheets, MLA Template“Jack and the Beanstalk”“The Three Bears”“The Three Little Pigs”“The Little Mermaid”“The Emperor’s New Suit”,“Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp”

Freshmen: RJ Vocab ListRJ AudioplayTips for Reading ShakespeareVocab Presentation Instructions / Journals: Act II (in comp book)Act III (in comp book)Act IV (to Turnitin) / Performances: Scene Performance Project Info, Scene List/Signup / Essay: Essay PromptThesis NotesThesis GuidelinesThesis GeneratorWriting About LiteratureRJ E-textTheme LogSample EssayHelp with Quote-WeavingHelp with Essay Writing

Week 3:10 (Mar. 9-13)



Seniors, for Monday’s “Fairy Tale Literary Criticism”, select one of these fairy tales: “Snowdrop” (Snow White)“Rapunzel”“Rumpelstiltskin”“Ashenputtel” (Cinderella)“Hansel and Grethel”“Briar Rose” (Sleeping Beauty), and then select one of the schools of criticism (e.g. Freudian, Marxist) included in this Literary Criticism PDF.  Study the notes and carefully read the story through that lens, using the leading questions as the basis for your analysis.  Write a brief (5-ish paragraphs) essay (in MLA format) in which you analyze the meaning of the narrative; print it for class on Monday. Here are the old reading schedule and Atonement prompts if you need them.  Lastly, here are the new new reading schedule and the poems for the final quarter.

Freshmen: RJ Vocab ListRJ E-Text with Line NumbersRJ AudioplayRJ Theme LogTips for Reading ShakespeareTwo DaysUsage NotesVocab Presentation Instructions / Journals: Turnitin Registration Instructions, Act I Journal #5-28Act II Journal #1-20

Week 3:9 (Mar. 3-9)



Seniors: Reading ScheduleMLA TemplateThird Quarter PoemsAtonement PromptsLiterary Criticism Handouts

Fairy Tales: “Snowdrop” (Snow White)“Rapunzel”“Rumpelstiltskin”“Ashenputtel” (Cinderella)“Hansel and Grethel”“Briar Rose” (Sleeping Beauty)

Freshmen: FSA Training Test Practice LinkRJ Vocab ListRJ E-Text with Line NumbersRJ AudioplayRJ Theme LogTips for Reading ShakespeareTwo Days

Journals: Turnitin Registration Instructions, Act I Journal #5-28Act II Journal #1-20

Week 5:4 (Mar. 31-Apr. 4)


Seniors: Reading Schedule, E-text of The Sandbox, Existentialism Notes, Waiting for Godot PromptsEliminating Wordiness from Your Writing, Practice Prompt for Thursday, Literary 3×3 ExamplesMajor Works Data Sheet / Fairy Tale Lit-Crit: Literary Criticism Sheets, MLA Template“Jack and the Beanstalk”“The Three Bears”“The Three Little Pigs”“The Little Mermaid”“The Emperor’s New Suit”, “Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp”

Freshmen: RJ Act II JournalRJ Act III Journal, RJ Act IV JournalRJ Vocab ListRJ E-Text with Line NumbersRJ Audio-playRJ Theme LogScene Performance Project Info, Help with Quote-WeavingFCAT Goal SheetIn-Class Shakespeare Handouts (his World, his Language, his Stage), In-Class Shakespeare Notes (his World, his Language [in outline form], his Stage), List of Scenes for Group Performance

Week 5:2 (Mar. 10-14)


Seniors, for Monday’s “Fairy Tale Literary Criticism”, select one of these fairy tales: “Snowdrop” (Snow White)“Rapunzel”“Rumpelstiltskin”“Ashenputtel” (Cinderella)“Hansel and Grethel”“Briar Rose” (Sleeping Beauty), and then select one of the schools of criticism (e.g. Jungian, Freudian, Marxist) included in this Literary Criticism PDF.  Study the notes and carefully read the story through that lens, using the leading questions as the basis for your analysis.  Write a brief (5-ish paragraphs) essay (in MLA format) in which you analyze the meaning of the narrative; print it for class on Monday. Here are the reading scheduleAtonement prompts, a Senior Activity Calendar if you need them.

Freshmen, complete one journal question daily: RJ Act I Journal Questions #5-28 and RJ Act II Journal Questions (typed responses submitted to Turnitin.com), Turnitin Registration InstructionsRJ Vocab ListRJ E-Text with Line NumbersRJ Audio-playRJ Theme Log, Two DaysTuesday’s Film Adaptation Comparison Analysis

Week 1:5 (Sept. 16-20)


Seniors, this is a pretty busy-looking week, but if you follow the reading schedule and complete the journal responses as you read through the novel, you’ll be fine.  Remember to always follow MLA format in your poetry responses.  The physical composition book (the vocab assignments) will not be due until the end of next week, but you should try to wrap up the JE assignment assignment and move on to the Frankenstein vocab if you haven’t already.  Take note: we’ll be doing something really useful (i.e. beneficial for Friday’s assessment) in class on Tuesday.  Here’s a nifty online-only handout that gives you 10 tips for the AP Lit multiple choice portion.  And here’s a link for Paradise Lost.

Freshmen: Great Expectations NotesGreat Expectations Vocab ListGreat Expectations Theme Log, Great Expectations AudiotextTheme Writing #2Colormarking #4Great Expectations Graphic Novelization Ch. 1-2Journal: Journal ExpectationsProofreading ExpectationsUsage NotesLiterature TermsTheme Writing #1“The Scarlet Ibis” Questions“The Cask of Amontillado” Questions

Week 5:4 (Apr. 1-5)


Freshmen: RJ Performance ProjectAudioplayE-text (Entire Play)Vocab ListTheme Log; Journal Assignments: Act IAct IIAct III (All three entries are due on the Monday we return from break with 35% off for each late day regardless of absence.)

Seniors: Final Reading ScheduleWaiting for Godot PromptsExistentialism NotesMock Exam Survey, Major Works Data SheetOpen Response Books and Prompts (1970-2012)Fairy Tales: “The Little Mermaid”“Snowdrop”“Rapunzel”“Rumpelstiltskin”“Ashenputtel”“Hansel and Grethel”“Briar Rose”“Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp” (For Monday, either complete another poetry response or a literary criticism from one of the fairy tales listed above.)

Everyone: Important Dates for the Rest of the School Year