Week 4:2 (Mar. 27-31)


AP LITERATURE: Final Poetry Packet, Final Reading ScheduleMLA Template, Scholarship Opportunities, AP Credit PoliciesSample AP Lit Exam & KeyNotes on Existentialism & AbsurdismE-text of The Sandbox, E-text of Waiting for Godot E-textWaiting for Godot Prompt / Major Works Data Sheets: Major Works Data Sheet TemplateLiterary 3×3 Examples, Past Open Essay Prompts, Suggested Works for Open Essay

AP SEMINAR: Digital Portfolio, PT2 Stimulus Materials & Directions, Purdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA)Annotated Bibliography TemplateIWA Rubric and Scoring Guidelines / Sample IWAs: Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3, Sample 4

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific American

Week 4:1 (Mar. 21-24)


AP LITERATURE: Final Poetry Packet, Final Reading ScheduleMLA Template, Death of a Salesman E-textScholarship Opportunities, AP Credit PoliciesSample AP Lit Exam and its Key

AP SEMINAR: Digital Portfolio, Stimulus Materials & DirectionsStems for Discussion Questions, Purdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA)Annotated Bibliography Instructions (PDF)Annotated Bibliography Template (DOC)IWA Rubric and Scoring Guidelines / Sample IWAs: Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3, Sample 4

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific American

Week 3:10 (Mar. 6-10)


AP LITERATURE: Quarter 3 Reading ScheduleBeloved NotesMLA TemplateLiterary Criticism (Follow the link and use the links on the left for some guiding questions; for the analysis due on Tuesday, stick to the fairy tale and school of thought you pinned down in class last week.)

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital Portfolio, Doc. 6 (Thompson)PT2 Stimulus Materials & DirectionsStimulus Texts Theme Task

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific American

Week 3:9 (Feb. 27-Mar. 3)


AP LITERATURE: Quarter 3 Reading Schedule, Quarter 3 Poetry PacketMLA TemplateBeloved Notes

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital PortfolioUser Guide for the Digital PortfolioPurdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA)PT2 Doc. 5 (Smith), Doc. 6 (Thompson)PT2 Guide/Materials & Rubrics, ProCon.org Resources

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific American

Week 3:8 (Feb. 21-24)


AP LITERATURE: Quarter 3 Reading Schedule, Quarter 3 Poetry PacketMLA TemplateBeloved Notes

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital PortfolioUser Guide for the Digital PortfolioPT1 Guide & RubricsPurdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA)PT2 Doc. 5 (Smith)Team Multimedia Presentation (Checklist, Rubric and Oral Defense Questions), PT2 Guide/Materials & Rubrics

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific American

Week 3:7 (Feb. 13-17)


AP LITERATURE: Quarter 3 Reading Schedule, Quarter 3 Poetry PacketMLA TemplateBeloved NotesVerbs for Analysis

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital PortfolioUser Guide for the Digital PortfolioPT1 Guide & RubricsPurdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA), SPHS Curriculum GuidePT2 Doc. 5 (Smith)Team Multimedia Presentation (Checklist, Rubric and Oral Defense Questions)

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific American

Week 3:6 (Feb. 6-10)


AP LITERATURE: Quarter 3 Reading Schedule, Quarter 3 Poetry PacketMLA TemplateEarnest Close Reading QuestionsBeloved Notes

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital PortfolioUser Guide for the Digital PortfolioPT1 Guide & RubricsPurdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA), SPHS Curriculum GuidePT2 Doc. 3 (Camus), PT2 Doc. 4 (Heikkila), PT2 Doc. 5 (Smith)

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific American

Week 3:5 (Jan. 30-Feb. 3)


AP LITERATURE: Quarter 3 Reading Schedule, Quarter 3 Poetry PacketMLA TemplateEarnest Close Reading Questions

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital PortfolioPT1 Guide & RubricsPurdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA)Annotated Bibliography Template (DOC), PT2 Doc. 3 (Camus), PT2 Doc. 4 (Heikkila)Sample IRR, User Guide for the Digital Portfolio, SPHS Curriculum Guide

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific American

Week 3:4 (Jan. 23-27)


AP LITERATURE: Quarter 3 Reading Schedule, Quarter 3 Poetry PacketMLA Template

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital PortfolioPT1 Guide & RubricsPurdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA)Annotated Bibliography Template (DOC), IRR Outline RubricPT2 Doc. 2 (Miller)PT2 Doc. 3 (Camus)

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific American

Week 3:3 (Jan. 17-20)


AP LITERATURE: Quarter 3 Reading Schedule, Quarter 3 Poetry PacketMLA Template

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital PortfolioPT1 Guide & RubricsGroup Norms AssignmentPurdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA)Annotated Bibliography Template (DOC)PT2 Doc. 1 (Nixon Speech), PT2 Doc. 2 (Miller)

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific AmericanVice NewsRoom for Debate