Week 4:2 (Mar. 27-31)


AP LITERATURE: Final Poetry Packet, Final Reading ScheduleMLA Template, Scholarship Opportunities, AP Credit PoliciesSample AP Lit Exam & KeyNotes on Existentialism & AbsurdismE-text of The Sandbox, E-text of Waiting for Godot E-textWaiting for Godot Prompt / Major Works Data Sheets: Major Works Data Sheet TemplateLiterary 3×3 Examples, Past Open Essay Prompts, Suggested Works for Open Essay

AP SEMINAR: Digital Portfolio, PT2 Stimulus Materials & Directions, Purdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA)Annotated Bibliography TemplateIWA Rubric and Scoring Guidelines / Sample IWAs: Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3, Sample 4

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale Databases, JSTORGoogle Scholar; other credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science DirectScientific American

Week 4:3 (Apr. 4-8)



Seniors: Reading SchedulePoetry PacketMLA TemplateNotes on Existentialism and AbsurdismWaiting for Godot Prompts,, Literary 3×3 ExamplesMajor Works Data Sheet TemplateE-text of The Sandbox, Waiting for Godot E-text

Freshmen: RJ Vocab ListRJ AudioplayTips for Reading ShakespeareVocab Presentation Instructions, Khan Academy and PSAT Registration / Journals: Act I (#22-28)Act IIAct IIIAct IV Performances: Scene Performance Project Info, Scene List/Signup / Essay: Essay PromptThesis NotesThesis GuidelinesThesis GeneratorWriting About LiteratureRJ E-textTheme LogSample Essay

Week 4:3 (Apr. 6-10)



Seniors: Final Reading ScheduleFinal Poetry PacketMLA TemplateNotes on Existentialism and AbsurdismWaiting for Godot PromptsEliminating Wordiness from Your WritingLiterary 3×3 ExamplesMajor Works Data Sheet TemplateE-text of The Sandbox, Waiting for Godot E-text / Fairy Tale Lit-Crit: Literary Criticism Sheets, MLA Template“Jack and the Beanstalk”“The Three Bears”“The Three Little Pigs”“The Little Mermaid”“The Emperor’s New Suit”,“Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp”

Freshmen: RJ Vocab ListRJ AudioplayTips for Reading ShakespeareVocab Presentation Instructions / Journals: Act II (in comp book)Act III (in comp book)Act IV (to Turnitin) / Performances: Scene Performance Project Info, Scene List/Signup / Essay: Essay PromptThesis NotesThesis GuidelinesThesis GeneratorWriting About LiteratureRJ E-textTheme LogSample EssayHelp with Quote-WeavingHelp with Essay Writing

Week 5:5 (Apr. 7-11)


Seniors: Reading ScheduleExistentialism NotesWaiting for Godot PromptsEliminating Wordiness from Your WritingLiterary 3×3 ExamplesMajor Works Data Sheet Template

Freshmen: RJ Act II JournalRJ Act III JournalRJ Act IV JournalRJ Vocab ListRJ E-Text with Line NumbersRJ Audio-playRJ Theme LogScene Performance Project InfoHelp with Quote-WeavingFCAT Goal Sheet, 5:4’s Shakespeare Handouts (his World, his Language, his Stage), 5:4’s Shakespeare Notes (his World, his Language [in outline form], his Stage), List of Scenes for Group PerformanceThesis Notes

Week 5:4 (Mar. 31-Apr. 4)


Seniors: Reading Schedule, E-text of The Sandbox, Existentialism Notes, Waiting for Godot PromptsEliminating Wordiness from Your Writing, Practice Prompt for Thursday, Literary 3×3 ExamplesMajor Works Data Sheet / Fairy Tale Lit-Crit: Literary Criticism Sheets, MLA Template“Jack and the Beanstalk”“The Three Bears”“The Three Little Pigs”“The Little Mermaid”“The Emperor’s New Suit”, “Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp”

Freshmen: RJ Act II JournalRJ Act III Journal, RJ Act IV JournalRJ Vocab ListRJ E-Text with Line NumbersRJ Audio-playRJ Theme LogScene Performance Project Info, Help with Quote-WeavingFCAT Goal SheetIn-Class Shakespeare Handouts (his World, his Language, his Stage), In-Class Shakespeare Notes (his World, his Language [in outline form], his Stage), List of Scenes for Group Performance

Week 5:4 (Apr. 1-5)


Freshmen: RJ Performance ProjectAudioplayE-text (Entire Play)Vocab ListTheme Log; Journal Assignments: Act IAct IIAct III (All three entries are due on the Monday we return from break with 35% off for each late day regardless of absence.)

Seniors: Final Reading ScheduleWaiting for Godot PromptsExistentialism NotesMock Exam Survey, Major Works Data SheetOpen Response Books and Prompts (1970-2012)Fairy Tales: “The Little Mermaid”“Snowdrop”“Rapunzel”“Rumpelstiltskin”“Ashenputtel”“Hansel and Grethel”“Briar Rose”“Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp” (For Monday, either complete another poetry response or a literary criticism from one of the fairy tales listed above.)

Everyone: Important Dates for the Rest of the School Year

Week 5:3 (Mar. 18-22)


Freshmen: RJ AudioplayRJ E-textRJ Vocab ListRJ Theme LogTwo Days; RJ Journal Entries: Act I JournalAct II JournalAct III Journal (All three entries are due the Monday we return from break with 35% off for each late day regardless of absence; journals turned in by this Friday will earn a 20% bonus as long as the raw score is >75%.)

Seniors: Reading SchedulePoem Packet, Waiting for Godot PromptsExistentialism NotesMajor Works Data Sheet, E-text of “The Sandbox” (While you read, consider elements of the absurdist play that connect to existentialist themes and techniques covered in the notes.); Miscellaneous: Eliminating Wordiness, Writing a Good Thesis Statement, Wikipedia Entry on Edward Albee (Author of “The Sandbox”)