Week 4:5 (Apr. 17-21)


AP LITERATURE: Poetry PacketReading ScheduleMLA Template, “The Myth of Sisyphus” / Major Works Data Sheets: Major Works Data Sheet TemplateLiterary 3×3 Examples, Past Open Essay Prompts, Suggested Works for Open Essay

AP SEMINAR: Digital Portfolio, Purdue OWL (MLA) / Individual Multimedia Presentation: IMP DirectionsIMP Rubric, IMP Scoring Guidelines, Sample A, Sample B, Sample C, Sample D

Week 2:2 (Oct. 17-21)



AP LITERATURE: Quarter Two Reading ScheduleHamlet Notes, ‘Reading Shakespeare’ Packet, Hamlet E-textSecond Quarter Poetry Response Packet, MLA TemplateMythology Review ListHamlet Essay Prompts

Hamlet Audioplay: Act I (≈:50), Act II (≈:37), Act III (≈:58), Acts IV-V (≈1:23)

AP SEMINAR: AP Capstone Digital Portfolio, MLA TemplatePurdue OWL (MLA), Citation Machine (MLA)Mock Performance Task #1PT1 Rubrics, Sample IRR

research databases: EBSCO Host, Gale DatabasesGoogle Scholarother credible research sources: The Atlantic, The Economist, EPA, ERIC, Nature, The New York Times,The New Yorker, Pew Research, Science Direct, Scientific American

Week 3:4 (Jan. 25-29)


New Doc 5_1

Seniors: Reading SchedulePoetry PacketMLA TemplateOne-Sheet Lit NotesPractice Prose PromptProse Essay Rubric

Freshmen: Prologue Colormarking, RJ Vocab List, Vocab Presentation InstructionsRJ NotesTips for Reading ShakespeareProofreading ExpectationsUsage NotesJournal Expectations

Journal: Literature TermsSG Journal for Parts 1-2, SG Journal for Parts 3-4RJ Act I Journal Questions #1-4

Week 3:3 (Jan. 19-22)



Seniors: Reading SchedulePoetry PacketMLA Template

Freshmen: Proofreading ExpectationsUsage NotesSG Theme Log, SG NotesSG E-TextJournal ExpectationsLiterature TermsJournal for SG Parts 1-2, Journal for SG Parts 3-4, WriteScore Login; Romeo and Juliet (Coming Soon): Prologue, Vocab List, Vocab Presentation Instructions

Week 3:3 (Jan. 20-23)



Seniors: Reading ScheduleMLA TemplateThird Quarter Poems, “Modern Love” Poetry Prompt

Freshmen: Personal ParagraphsProofreading ExpectationsUsage NotesSG Theme Log, SG NotesWrite Score Login

Freshmen Journal: Journal ExpectationsLiterature TermsJournal for Parts 1-2 (should be completed by 1/20), Journal for Parts 3-4 (should be completed by 1/26)

Romeo and Juliet (Coming Soon): Prologue, Vocab List

Week 2:6 (Nov. 4-8)


Seniors:  Reading Schedule for 2:1-6Poems for the 2nd Six WeeksMLA TemplateNotes on Postmodernism and Watchmen, Watchmen Journal, Watchmen SketchesWatchmen Prompts, Reading Schedule for 3:1-4, Poems for the 3rd Six Weeks, Watchmen E-text (Huge One-Time PDF Download), The Doomsday ClockLiterary 3×3 GuidelinesLiterary 3×3 Examples

[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H57OfsihAw”]

Freshmen: GE Journal Questions for Ch. 20-29Citing and Weaving ExamplesGE Theme LogGE E-Text (Whole Novel), SAT Vocab #1GE AudiotextGE Graphic Novelization for Ch. 30-36Thesis NotesGE Paper Outline and RubricGE Ch. 37-38 Quiz Preview

[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4lBHHJcAfk”]

Week 2:5 (Oct. 28-Nov. 1)


Seniors, to clarify, the journal is due by 11:59 PM Wednesday; the essay is due by 11:59 PM Saturday:  Reading Schedule 2:1-62nd Six Weeks’ Poetry PacketMLA TemplateHamlet NotesTips for Reading ShakespeareHamlet Response JournalHamlet Essay Prompts, Hamlet Essay Rubric

[youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D97aCet8gE”]

Hamlet Audioplay: Act I (≈:50), Act II (≈:37), Act III (≈:58), Acts IV-V (≈1:23)

Freshmen: GE Journal Questions for Ch. 1-10GE Journal Questions for Ch. 11-20 (1st period2nd period4th period5th period, and 6th period), GE Journal Questions for Ch. 20-29Woven and Cited Quote ExamplesGE Theme LogGE E-Text (Whole Novel), GE AudiotextGE Graphic Novelization for Ch. 26-31, SAT (“PB”) Vocab #1