Seniors: Reading Schedule, E-text of The Sandbox, Existentialism Notes, Waiting for Godot Prompts, Eliminating Wordiness from Your Writing, Practice Prompt for Thursday, Literary 3×3 Examples, Major Works Data Sheet / Fairy Tale Lit-Crit: Literary Criticism Sheets, MLA Template, “Jack and the Beanstalk”, “The Three Bears”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “The Little Mermaid”, “The Emperor’s New Suit”, “Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp”
Freshmen: RJ Act II Journal, RJ Act III Journal, RJ Act IV Journal, RJ Vocab List, RJ E-Text with Line Numbers, RJ Audio-play, RJ Theme Log, Scene Performance Project Info, Help with Quote-Weaving, FCAT Goal Sheet, In-Class Shakespeare Handouts (his World, his Language, his Stage), In-Class Shakespeare Notes (his World, his Language [in outline form], his Stage), List of Scenes for Group Performance